Web Summit – Nearshore Portugal https://nearshoreportugal.com Shortening Distances, Increasing Results Thu, 02 Jul 2020 10:23:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://nearshoreportugal.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/cropped-logo-nearshore9-04-32x32.png Web Summit – Nearshore Portugal https://nearshoreportugal.com 32 32 Nearshore destination: Portugal https://nearshoreportugal.com/portugal-as-a-perfect-nearshore-destination/ Mon, 11 Mar 2019 17:27:19 +0000 https://nearshoreportugal.com/?p=162 When it comes to a nearshore destination, nearshoring is a great option for cost optimization, quality, and efficiency. For a company to grow, it’s better to recur to countries in the proximity.

It’s not by chance that multinational companies like Accenture, Microsoft, or Nokia Siemens have highly successful nearshore operations in Portugal. We’ll present you some topics that prove that Portugal is the perfect nearshore destination for your operation:

Attractive costs

Costs play a major role in any organization when choosing a lading-place and Portugal is more cost-efficiency in comparison to other countries. If you want to optimize your business, you should choose a nearshore destination country that guarantees a healthy cost of living.


Portugal is one of the most multilingual European countries and has a big number of English speakers with Portuguese and English both used in a working environment. Furthermore, Portuguese people have great knowledge and adaptability to other European markets and cultures. This undoubtedly plays a major role when it comes to the right nearshore destination.


Portugal shares the same time zone as the UK, one of the most important business centers. It’s also two hours away by plane. Being “the door of Europe”, Portugal plays an important role in trading across borders.

Technological infrastructures

Portugal is a country with a strong technological infrastructure, both in telecommunications (broadband, fiber optics) and data centers, for the storage of large volumes of data and applications.

Security, political and social stability

Portugal is a peaceful country with social and political stability. It’s all due from a significant investment in education, infrastructure modernization, simplification of public services, and a public and private focus on research and development. These are some of the main features of many companies that Portugal as an ideal nearshore destination.

Technical quality

Portugal was ranked 17th at IMD World Talent Ranking 2018. The entirety of the country is filled with people who value technology and engineering. Portugal is the owner of countless prestigious universities, recognized in international rankings. It also offers easy access to education. Annually, its capital is the home of the biggest event in tech: Web Summit.

While Portugal is clearly a growing market with regard to IT resources, it is essential that Portugal continues to invest in research and development as well as training for qualified people in order to increasingly become the answer as the nearshore destination. Portugal offers the best conditions for shortening distances and increasing results. That’s what Nearshore Portugal is all about!
