Agile – Nearshore Portugal Shortening Distances, Increasing Results Tue, 04 Apr 2023 15:22:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Agile – Nearshore Portugal 32 32 Improving time to market with Nearshoring Wed, 19 Aug 2020 13:40:43 +0000 When it comes to transferring business processes to an outsourcing provider to obtain higher capabilities or shorten time to market, nearshore outsourcing is the answer for companies around the globe.

In the context of nearshore outsourcing, it’s clear its effectiveness in enhancing collaboration, scalability, and performance. Every day, organizations struggle to optimize their operations to gain faster development cycles. Otherwise, they risk losing ground to a competitor due to a lack of specialized talent. Working with someone who can deliver what you need is rare. Luckily, there’s a solution. We call it Nearshore Portugal!

How can nearshore outsourcing improve your time to market? This is what you need to know!

From the top

In a competitive market, organizations should focus on reducing their time to market. This means decreasing as much as possible the duration between developing the product and putting it on the market. Businesses that become faster and more responsive to customers’ needs and demands can quickly become ahead of their competitors and evolve to top leaders.

In order to achieve this, changes must be made and new procedures acquired. It all comes down to a collaboration methodology. In other words, workflow efficiency. An optimized approach that becomes a time to market accelerator and this is how!

Communication Experts

As in any business, especially in the IT industry, staying agile is a must. In other words, communication is crucial for agile software development. This means being accessible whenever you need your team at any given moment of the workday so if potential issues or unforeseen adjustments happen, it can be dealt with immediately. In contrast, this isn’t possible with offshoring.

If your team is based in India and you’re in Germany, there is a big-time zone difference that will compromise communications, schedules, and team efficiency. Offshore doesn’t just compromise any type of Agile principles, it eliminates them altogether.

Of course, an Agile approach doesn’t exclusively focus on improving collaboration. It allows for faster and efficient work methodologies. With Agile, QA and developers test the software at various stages of project development instead of at the end of the project while building new features and testing. Naturally, this is massively improved when there are expertise and a shared time zone. Plus, increased efficiency means less need for resources which equals less investment.

As you might have guessed, all of this decreases delays and improves time to market.

At Nearshore Portugal, we work with organizations across Europe. This gives us a strong cultural understanding of the many enterprises we work with. Allowing us to deliver a custom-made approach to nearshore solutions. More than delivering the talent you need, we focus on augmenting your in-house IT staff. Through specialized developers experienced in the agile way, filling the skills gap in your team. Thus, resulting in greater performance and, once again, faster time to market.

The new Outsourcing

Although outsourcing throughout the years has been about lowering costs, not all providers shifted to new practices. More than just cost-saving, we believe in combining improved processes, augmenting capabilities that only the nearshore approach can deliver. As your partner, beyond being handed tasks or requirements from customers, our approach is about finding a team that works effectively as an extension of your own in-house IT staff. In other words, we don’t just focus on talent, we find the right people for your project. Professionals that combine hard and soft skills needed that adjust to your company culture and goals.

Although no one knows with complete certainty the future of IT outsourcing, some predictions can be made. Better yet, specific tendencies become more visible. With the sudden lockdown across industries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has shown its many advantages and adaptability. This new adjustment has proven what was already known by many, that remote workers continue to produce at high levels with little disruption, without comprising results, efficiency, and communication. This means customers can gain access to expert developers at competitive rates without having to concern themself with office space, recruitment, and so on.

At the end of the day, the key advantage of nearshore outsourcing is the innovation it can offer. By working with Nearshore Portugal, you’ll gain access to a partner with market experience and the needed knowledge to take your operation to the next level with the support of a seasoned pool of tech talent, fully committed and specialized in the latest technological languages.

If you’re wondering where you can find all your software development, design, cloud, and DevOps needs in one place.. You just did!

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Why Nearshore Development Is The Best Solution! Mon, 10 Aug 2020 14:32:47 +0000 Nearshore development can provide multiple advantages to organizations. Among its many benefits, one stands out: time zone difference.

Nearshore outsourcing delivers companies with greater performance, faster growth, and a higher response when it comes to time to market. All of this is achievable through specialized talent, and at Nearshore Portugal, as a nearshore development provider, we know all about that. Among the many advantages, the benefits of a similar time zone difference are undoubtedly one of the most well-known assets.

So, is there really that much of a difference in developing projects with a time zone difference?

Agility At Its Best

The Agile methodology plays a crucial role in nearshoring, revolutionizing a company’s efficiency and overall output. With Agile development, developers must work closely together. This means, collaboration with cross-functional teams to continually grasp new knowledge with constant communication. This approach is all about turning the collaboration knob to 11. Making sure there is constant information and feedback between the team and the customer.

Here’s a typical scenario: Imagine you have a team on the other side of the globe, both parties arrange a specific time for a meeting to discuss the project, it’s evolution, and issues. Meetings done, everyone goes home, and the developer from your provider realizes there’s a high probability of disaster concerning a deployment that wasn’t discussed in the meeting. Instinctively, this must be discussed ASAP. Urgent matters of this sort can’t be delayed. Otherwise, the whole process of communication becomes inefficient, and there’s a name for it: Offshoring.

With Agile development, constant communication prevents such situations. Allowing the customer to be well aware of any potential problems, progress, and decisions making needs on the minute. Practically speaking, there’s no beating the efficiency that nearshoring can provide when comparing to the offshore way. 

Nearshore Development More Relevant Than Ever

Organizations worldwide are working at full-speed, preparing for the future economic struggles created by COVID-19. More than ever, companies need to balance their software development projects output, and nearshoring is the solution. According to a study by Statista, 39% of surveyed CIOs and IT executives worldwide expect a decline in their IT budget for 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. On the other hand, 21% expect their IT budget in 2020 to increase, while 40% forecast no change in the IT budget.

These projections force companies to look at their current situation and evaluate what type of outsourcing solution is ideal. Yes, offshoring can be less expensive but will compromise cost-effectiveness in your teams, collaboration, time to market, and potentially increase delays. On the other hand, nearshoring become less costly over time, has competitive rates, provides expert developers experienced in an agile approach, delivering greater performance with one key advantage: a similar time zone. This means a much larger communication window, proximity, reduced expenses, and quicker travels when you decide to visit your providers HQ

Quality Regardless Of Location

Nearshore development companies have top-class developers and engineers with competitive rates as the ones offered by offshoring companies. With over 10 years of experience and 400 IT professionals, Nearshore Portugal provides customers with seasoned and expert professionals in multiple technologies, experienced in nearshore projects across Europe. Furthermore, Nearshore teams have little cultural barriers. What makes these experts so efficient and adaptable is precisely their different backgrounds. This drives better problem solving, increased creativity, innovation, and new solutions. As a result, building optimal software becomes quicker and less troublesome.

This level of innovation and adaptability are essential trades. Especially in current times where businesses worldwide need resilient, yet flexible and focused professionals to deliver results even with unpredictable lockdowns. With remote working common with nearshore developers, an adjustment comes easier as developers are used to remote meetings with a flex-work approach. This is turn, enables these talented individuals to optimize their environment and workflow to the max.

More than ever, ensuring your business is as agile as possible is key. With leading talent and an experienced provider, organizations can guarantee they project continuity with access to specialized developers.

Is your organization looking for greater innovation and support? We provide a Team Extension, End-To-End Teams, and Project Development services.

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Nearshore Developers: what your business needs! Fri, 09 Aug 2019 17:41:41 +0000 Putting together any software development team, even one comprised of nearshore developers can be challenging. Among so many requirements, finding a team with the right skillset will probably require a valuable price: time.

Time is a resource that businesses don’t have and recruiting talent is expensive, specially seasoned IT talent. Not having the right people at the needed time means your project may experience delays, a word no company appreciates. Yet, lengthy recruitment isn’t the only answer. Partnering with experts that outsource nearshore developers is a strategic and cost-efficient approach. Making sure you have the ideal specialists working on your project, adopting the correct methodologies is a must. What you need is a nearshore team.

Nearshore developers: Experts in their field

Assembling a team of the right professionals is gaining access to technologies, markets, and how everything is connected. Firstly, these tech gurus have worked with other companies, some of which might be industry leaders. Secondly, taking individuals that already have the know-how and business understanding is a major benefit when it comes to integrating them into your company. The advantage? Highly skilled nearshore developers that will optimize your company culture. Thus leading your business to a range of clients and new possibilities. At Nearshore Portugal, we have been successful in connecting our expert consultants to industry leaders in IT, business management, and software, among others. This, in turn, contributes to the knowledge and proficiency in other business sectors. As well as the means for clients to be exposed to new methodologies, ideas, and approaches that may have never considered as a new practice.

Innovators and growth starters

Having the contribution from these experienced professionals means your business will gain a new edge and acquire two very important opportunities: their knowledge and access to the latest technologies. Acquiring this explosive one-two combo is what defines a business as being in motion or static. As you might have guessed it, the right nearshore developers will impact your product, implement more efficient procedures, advise you and ultimately, influence your business. Their agile methodology and constant tech-savvy mind will allow your product to be delivered more rapidly, resulting in better development.

There is no escaping questions

That’s right, there is no dodging questions and that’s a good thing. The right nearshore developers will push your business in the best direction, this means plenty of questions. As you know, questions play a critical role in any organization. They establish the motivation of your team, their interest, and engagement which undoubtedly leads to commitment. Being fortunate to have engaged members also means being able to answer tough and eye-opening questions. Suddenly, giving vague answers with little information is not acceptable and the right nearshore developers will let you know that. Answering “to my knowledge, that’s how some of our former team members did it” will trigger your team to a much-needed conversation about what can’t happen and what needs to happen. In the wink of an eye, your team will bring the best out of you. Starting you as the main player for the championship final.

When it comes to developing your business, the model of a nearshore development company such as Nearshore Portugal allows any business to hire nearshore developers. This, in turn, gives access to a pool of specialized talent, experienced in developing solutions in an ever-changing market. Having these professionals on your side is providing your business with a valuable on-demand resource, allowing you to reduce costs compared to an internal full-time hire. This is turn will allow you to gain expert knowledge and insight for the duration of your project while making sure targets, performance and quality are met.

Tips to build an effective Agile Team Tue, 02 Jul 2019 17:34:19 +0000 An agile team is a cross-functional group, usually between five and ten people that define, that build and test elements of a software product.

Agile is supposed to be different and ever-changing depending on each team and its circumstances. To start building one, you need to get support from the management team by showing a plan to reach. Then, there are some strategies you can adopt in order to create an awesome team. In this article, we’ll point out some tips to build an effective Agile Team.

Be patient
An efficient agile team is not always consistent. Things don’t always work out right at the first try and team members need to get used to a specific workflow and the group dynamic. This process might take some time, s you need to be patient to overcome workflow obstacles.

Good communication
The way to know if an agile team is on the right track is with a good communication system. Agile teams organize themselves to present their software to customers, so they can collect feedback as soon as possible and apply it to their work. Agile teams adopt a philosophy of transparency and view obstacles as opportunities to continuously learn and ultimately improve.

Be open to change
Change it’s just around the corner. It can happen anytime, mostly in agile teams. Although agile teams rely on plans and organization, they need to have the ability to respond to change.

Focus on results
Instead of obsessing over processes and procedures, agile takes emphasis on the results and outcomes.

Give voice to every team member
The concept of a team has to be taken seriously: everyone is accountable for the final product. Identify the goals of the team and adjust your goals to it. Stay realistic: the bigger the goal the more risks you take when it comes to reaching it.

There isn’t a perfect formula for a perfect agile team.
Either you implement scrum or decide for Kanban, invest in building an independent team able to adapt quickly to changes and work well as a group.

Nearshore Stories – Cristina Ludwig Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:27:46 +0000 Cristina Ludwig is a Senior UX/UI Designer at Nearshore Portugal. She was born in Brazil and the world became her home since she started giving the first steps following her passion: Design and different Cultures. She’s adventurous, creative and an avid learner.

From graduating and becoming a designer in São Paulo, she moved to Dubai to work as a Web Design Director and from there, she never stopped. She became a Brand Manager in Bahrein, moved to South Africa where she immersed in the mobile and interaction world, worked as a freelance designer all around the world, and once back in Brazil, she studied Business, UX and Digital to get updated to build her own Startup.

Lisbon as the new tech hub in Europe seemed like a good option for Cristina to restart fresh with her projects, that was when she caught the attention of Nearshore Portugal where she works with a German client and describes the project as “challenging”.

As a member of the Nearshore team, she takes advantage of the Findmore Academy and AgileNow workshops to continue learning and adapting to the constantly changing digital market.

She recognizes the importance of an open spirit, good global experience and sociability as important personal characteristics for someone who wants to work at Nearshore Portugal.
