Nearshore Portugal – Nearshore Portugal Shortening Distances, Increasing Results Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:35:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nearshore Portugal – Nearshore Portugal 32 32 The Power of Data Science in Decision-Making Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:35:19 +0000 Every day, we make decisions based on the information we have in our consciousness. We might order a cheeseburger from place X, possibly because we’ve tried it before, and this particular order meets certain criteria that lead us to make that decision. For a decision like this, we might not need (at least not explicitly) a lot of data, right? Wrong.

For a decision like this, we unconsciously evaluate at least the following variables:

  • Personal Preferences: This includes the type of bread, choice of meat (beef, chicken, vegetarian), type of cheese, and preferences for condiments or sauces.

  • Past Experiences: How were your previous experiences with other burgers? Did a specific place leave a good or bad impression?

  • Recommendations: Opinions from friends or customer reviews can influence your choice, especially if many people recommend or criticize a specific place.

  • Price: The cost of the burger can be a deciding factor, especially when comparing options from different establishments.

  • Ingredients and Quality: The origin of ingredients, freshness, and overall quality of the burger are important.

  • Dietary Restrictions: Considerations about food allergies, vegetarian or vegan diets, or religious restrictions may rule out certain options.

  • Hunger: The level of hunger can influence the size of the burger you desire or the sides you might add, such as fries, dessert, or even a salad.

  • Convenience: The proximity of the establishment, delivery options, and estimated wait time can be decisive factors.

  • Emotional State: Sometimes, the craving for a certain type of burger can be influenced by your emotional state or nostalgic memories associated with a dining experience.

  • Weather Conditions: On a cold day, you might prefer a place that offers quick delivery, or on a hot day, a lighter burger might be more appealing.

Bringing this same scenario to data science…

Imagine you have an advanced framework that utilizes data science, equipped with machine learning algorithms, to help you decide where to order a burger. This system collects and analyses a large volume of data related to your past burger experiences, including ingredients, establishments, taste reviews, delivery time, and even how you felt after eating the burgers (if you provided that information to the algorithm) and other factors that could be included, use your imagination.

Every time you think about ordering a burger, the system applies predictive models to evaluate all available options, considering your personal preferences and consumption history. It processes information such as: which places you liked the most in the past, which ingredients you prefer, how the weather is, and even sentimental analyses of your reactions expressed in comments or online reviews. The system can even take into account external data, such as changes in the menus of establishments or new reviews from other users.

Just as you use your consciousness and memory to choose the cheeseburger from place X, the data science system uses an analytical process based on data to arrive at the same decision. It weighs all the factors, makes predictions about what you’ll likely enjoy most, and recommends the burger based on that analysis.

The fundamental difference is that while your decision is influenced by memories and subjective sensations accumulated in your memory, the decision of the data science system is derived from an objective analytical process, which quantifies and evaluates patterns in large volumes of data to make the best possible recommendation based on historical and predictive evidence.

Final Thoughts

In a world where technology advances daily, competition increases substantially, and vast amounts of data are produced every second, using data science to make a decision (speaking of business) is an absolutely valuable tool. It can reduce the margin of error in choices, help decide which direction to take, learn what not to do before doing it, and even provide detailed planning for your business both in the short and long term.

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Data Engineer

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The Impact of Nearshore Development: Real-Time Collaboration & Faster Turnaround Wed, 19 Jul 2023 15:02:12 +0000

Time. One of the relevant aspects of software development and IT projects that often determines the success or failure of initiatives. Recognizing this, companies are turning to nearshore development as a solution to streamline their projects and improve productivity.

In this article, we look at how nearshore development can facilitate real-time collaboration and faster turnaround times.

What will you find in this article?

  • What is Nearshore Development?
  • Facilitating Real-time Collaboration
    • Constant Communication
    • Immediate Issue Resolution
    • Rapid Feedback Loops
    • Shared Project Management Tools
  • Faster Turnaround Times
    • Time-to-Market Advantage
    • Flexibility and Scalability
    • Access to Skilled Professionals
    • Lack of Cultural Barriers
    • High-Quality Infrastructure

What is Nearshore Development?

Nearshore development is a business strategy where companies outsource their software development or IT projects to neighboring or nearby countries. The goal is to leverage the advantages of working with teams in close geographical proximity (same time zone or a few hours difference).

For instance, a German-based company may decide to collaborate with a development team in Portugal. The time difference is merely one hour, and both countries are members of the European Union. Additionally, the high level of English proficiency among Portuguese professionals facilitates effective communication and collaboration.

Facilitating Real-time Collaboration

One of the key benefits of nearshore development is the ability to facilitate real-time collaboration between teams in different countries.

Nearshore development teams are strategically located in neighboring or nearby countries to ensure overlapping work hours with their clients. This allows quicker decision-making and immediate issue resolution, while eliminating delays and increasing productivity.

The shared working time creates a seamless collaboration environment, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation that can significantly enhance the project’s success.

Nearshore teams can leverage real-time collaboration in the following ways:

1. Constant Communication

Nearshore development teams offer significant advantages in establishing seamless communication channels and fostering real-time collaboration with clients. They have a strong command of the client’s language and cultural practices, which reduces misunderstandings and facilitates effective communication.

Within our teams, we utilize various communication tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, or Zoom.

Nearshore teams can easily coordinate meetings, brainstorming sessions, and workshops during overlapping work hours. This enables team members to actively engage in discussions, share ideas, and make collective decisions.

2. Immediate Issue Resolution

With real-time collaboration, nearshore teams can address issues as they arise, reducing response times and minimizing delays. This ensures that potential roadblocks are swiftly identified and resolved, keeping the project on track.

3. Rapid Feedback Loops

Regardless of the specific methodology used (such as agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban), nearshore teams prioritize iterative and incremental development cycles that emphasize regular feedback.

By breaking down projects into smaller tasks and delivering them incrementally, nearshore teams can quickly provide results. This progressive approach enables them to swiftly gather valuable feedback from clients at an early stage of development.

The iterative feedback process has several benefits, such as enabling quick course corrections, avoiding rework in later stages, and accelerating the development timeline. Additionally, it creates a cooperative atmosphere where the team creating the product and the client collaborate to improve it.

4. Shared Project Management Tools

Nearshore development teams and clients typically use shared project management tools or platforms. These tools serve as centralized repositories for project documentation, task tracking, and issue management. They provide real-time visibility into project progress, allowing both parties to stay updated on the latest developments.

Here are some examples of tools our teams use:

  • Project and Task Management Tools: Trello, Notion, Asana, or Jira.
  • Shared document editing: Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365;
  • Real-time code collaboration: GitHub or GitLab.

Faster Turnaround Times

Nearshore development is a method that helps businesses bring their products to market faster. It involves delivering projects or software solutions in shorter timeframes compared to other outsourcing models. Several factors in nearshore development contribute to faster turnaround times, such as meeting tight deadlines and gaining a competitive edge.

Here are some ways nearshore development can accelerate response times:

1. Time-to-Market Advantage

Time-to-market refers to the time it takes from the inception of an idea or product development to its launch in the market.

By working closely with nearshore development teams, organizations can benefit from efficient communication and collaboration, leading to shorter project cycles. The reduced communication barriers and quicker response times ensure that the development process remains on schedule. As a result, companies can get their products or services to market faster, decrease reaction time to market needs, and take advantage of new opportunities.

2. Flexibility and Scalability

Nearshore development teams can be more flexible in adjusting the team size as per project requirements and timelines. They can quickly scale the team up based on the workload, allowing for faster adaptability to changing project needs. This scalability ensures that the project can progress at an optimal pace without being delayed due to resource constraints.

For example, we have two cooperation models (team extension and full teams). Both cooperation models offer flexibility in scaling the team size. And whenever necessary, our clients can discuss their changing requirements with us, and we’ll work together to adjust the team size accordingly, ensuring minimal disruption to your project.

3. Access to Skilled Professionals

Nearshore development allows businesses to quickly assemble a team of skilled professionals with the required expertise. The proximity of the nearshore location means that the hiring process can be expedited, and teams can be set up more swiftly. This quick resource allocation enables the project to start promptly, reducing delays in the development process.

4. Lack of Cultural Barriers

Nearshore development involves partnering with teams from countries that share similar cultural backgrounds, which leads to smoother communication and understanding.

When teams have common cultural aspects like language, communication styles, and work ethics, they can better understand each other’s expectations and requirements. This shared understanding enhances communication channels, minimizes misunderstandings, and enables faster information exchange. As a result, teams can align their goals, exchange feedback, and resolve issues promptly, leading to faster project completion.

5. High-Quality Infrastructure

It’s necessary to have a good infrastructure for a project to run smoothly. Nearshore development locations often boast reliable and advanced IT infrastructure, including high-speed internet connectivity and modern communication tools. This infrastructure enables seamless collaboration, quick file sharing, and efficient remote work.

A reliable infrastructure minimizes technical obstacles and ensures smoother development processes.


As we have witnessed, nearshore development is emerging as a compelling solution for enhancing the quality and efficiency of software development.

Teams located in neighboring or nearby countries can enhance companies’ productivity. This occurs due to the shared working hours, which facilitate constant communication, swift problem resolution, and rapid feedback loops.

It’s no wonder that an increasing number of companies are adopting this work model, recognizing its potential to drive successful outcomes in the dynamic and demanding world of software development.

Nearshore IT Outsourcing: Covid-19 after-effect Wed, 09 Dec 2020 14:20:28 +0000 As the world finds new ways to regain its footing due to the covid-19 pandemic, there’s no denying how greatly it affected the IT outsourcing industry, exposing weaknesses in some outsourcing models. Yet, the recovery will be swift, and the outsourcing sector will become stronger and more important than ever!

As the situation continues to unfold, many companies which lack an agile approach, are facing challenges due to the absence of automated or planned processes before covid-19. Factors that are now essential for companies to continue the path towards digital conversion and automation of their processes. However, this also created a unique opportunity for organizations to build better systems to protect against similar situations. Naturally, the unforeseen crisis has brought challenges, but not without its improvements.

In the beginning, most companies were facing hurdles in adjusting to a work from a home plan, partly due to their new introduction to an unknown work methodology, and the demands that came with it. However, the IT outsourcing industry has always succeeded in remote work. Despite the pandemic, IT outsourcing proved to be capable of continuing its software development services despite a completely remote scenario, and this was especially true for the Nearshore Portugal team who continued to support and work together with customers despite the lockdown.

Nearshore IT Outsourcing – The Aftermath

Now, more than ever, the need for an experienced and qualified Nearshore partner is critical as it offers the ability to maintain a high level of control even amid an unforeseen and critical situation. Although Nearshore IT outsourcing delivers key advantages, such as quick travels, greater team engagement, and cultural similarities, one of its major benefits focuses on communication.

At Nearshore Portugal, we know that strong relationships are essential. One thing that was set clear during the pandemic is that well-founded and kept relationships between clients and service providers are a must, especially during a crisis. For Nearshore Portugal, this meant having a well-prepared communications plan with our clients in place before a lockdown, ensuring the continuity of projects, meetings, development, and delivery.

As in any business relationship, communication is key but being available to set your clients’ minds at ease and answering questions is only half the battle. Providers need to have a plan of action for unforeseen situations. Nearshoring is the ace in the whole of outsourcing, and the right nearshore partner can lead to an efficient outsourcing relationship, a mutually beneficial two-way street. After all, outsourcing is about increasing the efficiency of your organization, and for outsourcing partners that provide talent, this means protecting what values the most: people.

New Priorities!

The future of outsourcing will bring a new age of connectivity with a much needed cultural shift. In a way, the pandemic has encouraged action that was already taking place — digital transformation. From night to day, workers from across the globe began working from home and this sparked a critical question: How can we, collectively, guarantee employee health?

A survey performed by Qualtrics in April 2020 found that 44.4% of newly remote workers have stated that their mental health had declined since the outbreak of the pandemic.

The solution to this problem won’t be as simple as returning to the office but rather to how to support people, and this will be a determining factor for talent retention. Companies need to develop wellness support programs to create steps to ascertain employees’ health. At Nearshore Portugal our team is our biggest asset, and we are committed to ensuring each employee health by:

• Providing all members of our team with wellness benefits;
• Implementing steps to guarantee a workspace where employees feel safe,

The Big Picture

Nearshore outsourcing is driving digital transformation, a necessity for businesses of all sizes. Although outsourcing models such as offshoring have advantages, nearshoring has the capabilities of quickly and reactively responding to sudden changes due to its strong communication-based model which, due to the similar time zones with external teams, allows for higher levels of engagement and responsiveness.

The coronavirus phenomenon has shown how seamless communication is critical for a robust partnership that, among many, protects organizations from what lies beyond the horizon, unseen. Regardless of what is to come, one thing is certain, companies need to protect their people.

In a year marked by change, highly-qualified professionals will continue to be a regular, and a sought-after resource. As hiring picks up, companies that fail to invest in their people’s wellbeing will struggle to retain these key professionals. For outsourcing companies who decide to start a new year focused on investing in their talent pool, they won’t just be setting a new standard, they’ll be leading it!

If you liked this article, don’t get to check out: The Future of Office Work: Is it Finished?

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Why Nearshore Development Is The Best Solution! Mon, 10 Aug 2020 14:32:47 +0000 Nearshore development can provide multiple advantages to organizations. Among its many benefits, one stands out: time zone difference.

Nearshore outsourcing delivers companies with greater performance, faster growth, and a higher response when it comes to time to market. All of this is achievable through specialized talent, and at Nearshore Portugal, as a nearshore development provider, we know all about that. Among the many advantages, the benefits of a similar time zone difference are undoubtedly one of the most well-known assets.

So, is there really that much of a difference in developing projects with a time zone difference?

Agility At Its Best

The Agile methodology plays a crucial role in nearshoring, revolutionizing a company’s efficiency and overall output. With Agile development, developers must work closely together. This means, collaboration with cross-functional teams to continually grasp new knowledge with constant communication. This approach is all about turning the collaboration knob to 11. Making sure there is constant information and feedback between the team and the customer.

Here’s a typical scenario: Imagine you have a team on the other side of the globe, both parties arrange a specific time for a meeting to discuss the project, it’s evolution, and issues. Meetings done, everyone goes home, and the developer from your provider realizes there’s a high probability of disaster concerning a deployment that wasn’t discussed in the meeting. Instinctively, this must be discussed ASAP. Urgent matters of this sort can’t be delayed. Otherwise, the whole process of communication becomes inefficient, and there’s a name for it: Offshoring.

With Agile development, constant communication prevents such situations. Allowing the customer to be well aware of any potential problems, progress, and decisions making needs on the minute. Practically speaking, there’s no beating the efficiency that nearshoring can provide when comparing to the offshore way. 

Nearshore Development More Relevant Than Ever

Organizations worldwide are working at full-speed, preparing for the future economic struggles created by COVID-19. More than ever, companies need to balance their software development projects output, and nearshoring is the solution. According to a study by Statista, 39% of surveyed CIOs and IT executives worldwide expect a decline in their IT budget for 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. On the other hand, 21% expect their IT budget in 2020 to increase, while 40% forecast no change in the IT budget.

These projections force companies to look at their current situation and evaluate what type of outsourcing solution is ideal. Yes, offshoring can be less expensive but will compromise cost-effectiveness in your teams, collaboration, time to market, and potentially increase delays. On the other hand, nearshoring become less costly over time, has competitive rates, provides expert developers experienced in an agile approach, delivering greater performance with one key advantage: a similar time zone. This means a much larger communication window, proximity, reduced expenses, and quicker travels when you decide to visit your providers HQ

Quality Regardless Of Location

Nearshore development companies have top-class developers and engineers with competitive rates as the ones offered by offshoring companies. With over 10 years of experience and 400 IT professionals, Nearshore Portugal provides customers with seasoned and expert professionals in multiple technologies, experienced in nearshore projects across Europe. Furthermore, Nearshore teams have little cultural barriers. What makes these experts so efficient and adaptable is precisely their different backgrounds. This drives better problem solving, increased creativity, innovation, and new solutions. As a result, building optimal software becomes quicker and less troublesome.

This level of innovation and adaptability are essential trades. Especially in current times where businesses worldwide need resilient, yet flexible and focused professionals to deliver results even with unpredictable lockdowns. With remote working common with nearshore developers, an adjustment comes easier as developers are used to remote meetings with a flex-work approach. This is turn, enables these talented individuals to optimize their environment and workflow to the max.

More than ever, ensuring your business is as agile as possible is key. With leading talent and an experienced provider, organizations can guarantee they project continuity with access to specialized developers.

Is your organization looking for greater innovation and support? We provide a Team Extension, End-To-End Teams, and Project Development services.

Get to know more about our methods at

Contact us at, we’re eager to hear from you!

Team Extension Model: Your Nearshore Solution Mon, 04 May 2020 11:01:13 +0000 How can our team extension model support your in-house IT? This is what you need to know!

When it comes to adding specific tech talent to your existing in-house IT team, the team extension model has become the first choice for my companies. However, some companies choose a “Do It Yourself”. An approach that can become costly since the talent they seek, in general cases, has specific skills. In other words, it takes time and effort to find these people. A process that can become costly, even more, if the company doesn’t have a dedicated team of tech recruiters.

So, what can you do if you need to add new people to your existing team of developers but you don’t want to deal with the extensive hiring process? Nearshore Portugal is the answer!

As a leading company offering Nearshore development services, we focus on finding the right fit for your business. To achieve this, we’ve developed a successful approach, a business model for companies of all sizes. Nearshore Portugal, as a Nearshore software outsourcing provider, operates a team extension model. Considered one of the most reliable and convenient models when you already have developers in your in-house team.

What is the Team Extension Model?

When planning to work with a Nearshore outsourcing provider, such as Nearshore Portugal, the team extension model is a great way to operate in a more direct and tight business partnership as it enhances productivity and improves communication. In essence, a team extension model focuses on augmenting your in-house IT staff with experienced and specialized developers that fill the skills gap in your team, providing you with greater control over the project.

Once you have at your disposal the desired talent, approved in advance by you through an involvement in the recruitment process, you gain operational control. In other words, the developers become your resources to manage by you, with our support. Although a paid service provided by us, they become part of your company, its culture, methodologies, practices and vision.

At Nearshore Portugal, we optimize this model by creating teams with outstanding tech talent. Developed with the desired know-how and experience needed to surpass challenges, improving your time to market. Through our model based on constant support, advice, and transparency established on open and direct communication, we have become partners of international brands in the forefront of their fields.

Key advantages of the Team Extension Model

Among the benefits mentioned above, by blending your need for seasoned professionals with the talent pool of Nearshore Portugal, not only will you gain a competitive edge over the competition, but will at the same time acquire several other advantages:

  • Allocate responsibilities and tasks as you see fit to enhance team effectiveness;
  • Scale your team as needed, with the possibility of additional resources being provided at short notice;
  • Members of the extended team work closely with your in-house staff. This enhances the building of your product with the same commitment, while teams share the same responsibilities;
  • You define the direction, resources, and schedule;
  • Experience faster time to market;
  • Gain greater transparency and efficient communication among teams by eliminating the middleman;
  • The remote development team will have access to the latest equipment, working from a modern office;

By working with a partner such as Nearshore Portugal with a developed team extension model, you’ll achieve greater speed, productivity and reliability. While at the same time, removing any straining from your internal team of developers.  When it comes to software outsourcing, it all comes down to an experienced Nearshore provider with the right track-record.

So if you’re looking to scale your team in the most efficient way, we would love to hear from you and discuss your project needs via skype!

Remote Working: A Home Office Strategy Thu, 26 Mar 2020 20:06:00 +0000 Remote working is becoming an increasingly popular model among workers from all over the world. For those accustomed to a full-time office job, or even those familiarized with flex work, switching to a home office situation, even if for a short period of time, can be a big transition and adjustment.

Situations that mandate people, businesses or countries to adapt to a new working model are unpredictable. Yet, there are different ways that workers and companies can adjust to these sudden changes. Many modern tech companies have already in place the means and policies needed to allow the majority of employees to work comfortably from home in the same manner as they were at the office. This is the case of Nearshore Portugal. In fact, the software development industry is no stranger to remote working. This is especially true to us since we are a nearshore software outsourcing provider.

More than ever, people and businesses need to adapt to unforeseen changes. This means turning the situation into a strength, rather than a crippling blow. As expected, converting a successful working from home attitude and mindset to action has its challenges. Yet, it’s also easier than you might think. It’s all about organization. Following these simple home office optimization methods will make all the difference!

Cleaning Your Workspace

First things first, organization means nothing unless you arrange your workspace in the best possible way. Having a dedicated space to work is the ideal way to optimize your schedule and tasks. This will help you to focus on the targets ahead, providing that mindset needed to get things done in the same way as you were at the office. Organize your day and clear all unnecessary objects from your desk so everything you need is nearby.

Remote working with the right technology

Having equipment and tools such as computers, email access, online conferencing, and access to internal networks are needed not just to keep in touch, but to make sure that work procedures follow the normal flow.  Of course, it’s also important to take into consideration, not just communication tools but also shared documentation tools. All of this will ensure the same standards and expectations regardless of the worksite, home, or office.

Setting Communication Processes

Ensuring daily and frequent communication between coworkers and the client is essential. When working from home, the combination of distance and lack of socializing can become a source of stress and anxiety. One way to counter this is by making sure that a normal work routine is met. Thus, it’s important that both employees and clients use written communication tools besides Slack. They can be video calls, that ensure employees feel part of the meeting, can actively participate, and give feedback. This allows the reviewing of work to be done together as a way to keep up to speed. While at the same time, maintaining high performance, engagement, and the accomplishment of tasks.

Creating a To-Do list

That’s right, focus timers are a thing. When it comes to remote working, dedicating time and efforts to a project is a must but that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to sit in front of your desk for hours while focusing on that specific project non-stop. Occasionally, we all have to push a bit harder due to unforeseen issues or the demanding nature of a project. However, being in front of a laptop for hours can become counterproductive.

Optimization comes in many formers, and small breaks are a great way to reach greater efficiency. Taking a breather is important and so is refreshing the brain periodically, so remember to take a quick break every 45 minutes to recharge your batteries and rest. One famous method used by many is the Pomodoro Technique, which is based on a 25-minute working session, then a break for 5 minutes. After you do four 25-minute sessions, you take a 15 to 20-minute break

Using Focus Timers

That’s right, focus timers are a thing. Dedicating time and efforts to a project is a must but that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to sit in front of your desk for hours while focusing on that specific project non-stop. From time to time we all have to push a bit harder due to unforeseen issues or because of the demanding nature of the project. However, being in front of a laptop for hours can become counterproductive and small breaks are a great way to reach greater efficiency.

Taking a breather is important and so is refreshing the brain periodically, so remember to take a quick break every 45 minutes to recharge your batteries and rest. One famous method used by many is the Pomodoro Technique, which is based on a 25-minute working session, then a break for 5 minutes. After you do four 25-minute sessions, you take a 15 to 20-minute break.

As a society that plays on a global level, we can unexpectedly be faced with a situation that can change not just the way we work but the work itself. We live in an ever-changing time set in an ever-changing market defined by its sudden metamorphism. However, amidst these changes, adaptability and hard work are our biggest advantages. There is no shortage of methods that ensure an efficient approach when it comes to remote working. More than ever, transforming your home to a temporary office to your own private HQ is much easier. At the end of the day, the more optimized your home is, the more efficient you’ll become, translating into greater productivity.

Remote Interview In Under 30 Minutes! Fri, 03 Jan 2020 20:00:00 +0000 Whether it’s a remote interview or face-to-face, one thing is certain: preparation is a must!

When it comes to a remote interview, let’s be honest. The comfort of home or a familiar environment provides a relaxed state, eliminating that nervous or anxious commotion. Yet, it can also cause you to let your guard down. Imagine you receive an unexpected phone call from a hiring manager saying that they like your resume and see plenty of potential in you. All good so far!

However, because of the busy schedule, the hiring manager asks you if you’re available for an interview in 30 minutes. Although an uncommon request, flash interviews are not unheard-of. Of course, you could ask to reschedule but your enthusiasm got the better of you and you said “yes!”. Now everything’s changed: you have 30 minutes to prep for a great opportunity but you’re all over the place. The solution to such a problem if it ever comes up is all about preparing beforehand for such an event.

We put together a list that is sure to help you if needed with your next remote interview in under 30 minutes!

Read Up!

Reading up on the company you applied is key. In the midst of what just happened and even more so with only 30 minutes to prepare, it’s normal that little comes to mind about the company. After all, you possibly sent several other resumes to similar job postings. Don’t worry, in the next 10 minutes you can read up on plenty of things. First, read once more the job posting and take note of what grabbed your attention in the first place.

For example, if it makes references to ”Experience in Javascript” it’s important to take note and point out different projects you’ve been involved with. Also, check the about us and press page. Search the most used social media platforms, and check for the latest posts for events and news. You can also take a quick look at their blog. Of course, you don’t have the time to read each article so simply go through the headlines to get an idea of what the company as a business and brand is all about.

Have Your Questions Ready

In the same way that the interview is the perfect platform for the interviewer to know more about you, it’s also a great chance for you to learn more about the company and more about the job position. With that in mind, it’s important to have a list of key questions to ask. This will, at the same time, show the interviewer that you’re engaged and interested. For example, you can start by asking why is the company in need of an experient Javascript employee, what kind of benefits are there too, how is the onboarding process, its length, and what kind of project is it. It’s equally important to task about what kind of support can you expect.

Test Your Computer Before the Remote Interview

This might seem like a no brainer but with just 30 minutes to get ready for the big opportunity, there are plenty of things that can get overlooked. For a remote interview, few things are as annoying as a malfunctioning computer, faulty connection, or a computer crash. Ensure your setup is good. Before the interview, take a few minutes to download, and to go through a quick tutorial of the platform used for the interview, it can be Google Hangouts or Skype, among others. Make sure you have headphones or you might risk interference due to eco. Lastly, always have a plan B, in other words, your smartphone. In case your computer decides not to cooperate, your phone can do the trick!


At Nearshore Portugal, we practice Flex Work. The traditional 9-to-6 office schedule is becoming outdated. Providing employees with flexible work hours can accommodate all needs: For the client, the employee and the business. Working with your team at the office has various advantages, one of them being immediate support. Sometimes when help is needed, a team member next to you makes all the difference. Despite that, Flex Work isn’t just about the hours spent at the office, it can also be about adjusting those hours to one’s needs.

Our daily lives don’t always follow a schedule and, commonly, situations arise that demand our immediate attention. We get that and understand that there’s more to life than just work. What can you expect from us? Work-life balance. Need to work remotely for a few days? All good. Just stepped out from your daily stand-up but something came-up and you need to go home? No problem at all, just let your team know. If the issue is changing your work hours to what fits you best, go ahead and discuss it with your manager to work out a solution. Regardless of the reasons, we know that people are more than assets and providing flexibility in the workplace, gives way to a happier and healthier work environment

By applying our five tips above, you’ll be able to take on any interview even if you’re rushed for time. At the end of the day, the simplest bits of advice remains the most important: readiness and confidence will go a long way!

Software development: Outsourcing ! Fri, 27 Dec 2019 19:56:00 +0000 Answering the demands of custom software development requires skilled talent, complex production, and testing, among others. Outsourcing became the smart and advantageous choice, a chess-like strategy used by small and big-name companies to stay one step ahead due to its advantages.

More than ever, talented and knowledgeable individuals are needed, professionals that understand each stage of the software development life cycle. This means working with skilled teams that can execute, develop, and deliver projects of all kinds. The end goal of outsourcing software development is all about hiring that key professional or team that will upgrade processes and increase output, resulting in less time spent on training new employees, and of course, reducing costs. By choosing to outsource, you’ll be reaping plenty of advantages that will provide your business with a better work methodology and value. We tell you the main reasons why you should be outsourcing software development!

Increasing team skills

One of the biggest advantages that you can reap from outsourcing is scalability. This means, growing your team’s skills and managing costs according to the business needs. You’ll have hat your disposal seasoned professionals that can provide your team with guidance and greater support, as well as efficiency and better work methodology while, at the same time, keeping an eye on the budget.

Core Strengths with software development

Regularly, companies of all kinds focus their efforts on several fronts at a time which commonly becomes a problem. This means, all their time, money and resources are put in various parts of the business at the same time, preventing them to achieve excellence in a specific field. This is turn can give way to bad practices, damaging project approaches. Working with an outsourcing software development company will provide you with an opportunity to focus and develop your core strengths. This means, removing the unnecessary pressure of creating the right team with the right technologies for the project at hand. You can count on these professionals to not only help you grow your businesses but to provide it with better results, allowing you to focus on where you can distinguish yourself, rather than just being good.

All about efficiency

Software development outsourcing companies such as Nearshore Portugal specialized in developing teams with no barriers. This means a unified team that is all about performance. Outsourcing these professionals means that your business will gain two very important aspects: knowledge that can be shared and learned by your in-house staff and time. Furthermore, having by your side the right teams will deliver better quality, faster deployments and operational efficiency, among many other key advantages.

Reduce time to market

As we said in previous articles, time is one of the most important elements of any business. Its importance is recognized globally with few companies knowing how to leverage it towards a competitive advantage. By outsourcing software development, the need to depend on in-house resources is gone. You can now set deadlines and have at your disposal dedicated developers for your project.

Even though outsourcing software development can have risks, the benefits can be much higher. When choosing a vendor, inquire about its work and projects through former clients. Explore their operation set-up and determine if there exists, in fact, the A-team that you need. If all checks out, you’ll be one step close to the team that will help your business succeed.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Nearshore Team Thu, 17 Oct 2019 18:35:16 +0000 When it comes to choosing an outsourcing model, the nearshore option provides several benefits. From time zone to scalability, a nearshore team is the solution for growth and managing staff shortages.

Ensuring that your nearshore team operates with full efficiency and productivity means there must be a partnership on both sides. How can you achieve this? By implementing these four easy steps!

A full picture of your project

The start of any project must begin with the objectives but also with your product vision. This means explaining what are the goals, where is the project going and what sets you apart from the competition. Making sure all this information is delivered clearly and straightforwardly means your teams will be included from the start. This means complete knowledge of future tasks, and what requirements must be met. Remember, a clear message with no questions left behind is the start of a path focused on organization, time management, and effectiveness!

Open communication

Much more than passing information from person to person, communication is one of the most important features in any organization. Communication is the bass of any IT project and to make sure there is an open line it’s crucial to make it easy for everyone to communicate. The option may vary from project management tools or simple platforms such as email, slack, or skype. It’s important to keep in mind that distance is not an excuse, nor is it a setback. In today’s tech environment, faulty lines of communication can become very costly mistakes. Maintaining a dialogue, be it online or face-to-face will avoid misunderstandings. This will contribute to a higher quality performance that will influence the project at hand.

Engagement with a nearshore team

Making sure your project is moving according to plan isn’t just about keeping an eye on the overall performance of the teams and the objectives. It’s equally important to get to know the people involved, especially your nearshore team leader. Knowing the people that are spearheading your project is as important as the project itself. It’s all about building a partnership where necessary outcomes and quality are clear. Of course, involvement on your side is just as important as the collaboration between your in-house team and your nearshore team, since both will need to work together. Consider introductions in the beginning, allowing for a quicker collaboration of your project from both teams.

Top-tip: visiting from time to time is always a great way to ensure there is involvement from all sides. A proximity advantage that the nearshore model provides.


Every project regardless of the sector can be extremely demanding and this seems to be especially true in IT. The combination of challenging deadliness, unexpected objectives, and last-minute adjustments can become exhausting. Of course, nearshore has the advantage of having the same time zones, as well the language accessibility and little to none culture barrier. These key features come together to provide not just the best resources for your project but also rewards for your teams, opening the door for conferences, meetups, training opportunities, and team-building activities.

In essence, ensuring you get the most out of your nearshore team is all about building and maintaining a rapport, focusing on coherent and uncomplicated communication where all team members and engaged. This, in turn, will result in what a nearshore team does best: decreasing costs and accelerant objectives and delivering your product with the best quality.

The Importance Of Having a Nearshore Lisbon Team Tue, 24 Sep 2019 18:29:20 +0000 Choosing the right city to set up shop can be demanding but none are more ideal than Lisbon. That’s right, building a nearshore Lisbon team is the answer!

Outsourcing is the name of the game and picking the right partner to help your business grow is crucial. Yet, there is more than just choosing the ideal ally – you guessed it – location, location, location. More than ever, Portugal has shown the world that it’s ready to play the leading role in the world stage and the future looks promising.  However, from north to south and within the potential of all cities, Lisbon is still the center point. So, the question is, why a nearshore Lisbon team?

Portugal has become a tech hub and Lisbon is the doorway. This is due to the internal and external investment, the start-up blowout, attention from big-name companies and the relocation from the web summit, which provided major growth and media attention.

Getting to know Portugal

Lisbon is just one of the many cities in Portugal where you’ll find an assembly of highly skilled labor. According to the IMD World Talent Ranking 2018 Portugal is ranked 17th above countries such as New Zealand (20th), Ireland (21st), United Kingdom (23tr) France (25th), Spain (31st), Poland (38th) or Ukraine (48th). Many professionals are moving to Lisbon caused by the events earlier described. This in turn makes Lisbon even more into a multicultural city. Making it an ideal location for any company searching for outsourcing solutions.

However, other factors are equally important. Specifically, social and political stability, diversity of talent, and safety, being Portugal the 4th safest country in the world. In other words, any company can find the tools needed and we at Nearshore Portugal know it. After all, we are all about talent.

Key advantages

If you’re still not sure about a nearshore Lisbon team, there are other factors to consider. Portugal is known for being very cost-efficient when compared to other countries. If you want to optimize your business, you should choose a nearshore destination such as Lisbon which guarantees a healthy cost of living. Of course, technological infrastructures are equally important, both in telecommunications (broadband, fiber optics) and data centers, for the storage of large volumes of data and applications and Portugal does not disappoint. Lastly, language.

Portugal is one of the most multilingual European countries and has a big number of English speakers. Plus, the Portuguese people are known for having great knowledge and adaptability to other European markets and cultures. What does all of this mean you ask?

By deciding to outsource, you’ll have at your disposal plenty of options. By choosing the nearshore Lisbon strategy you’ll be able to take advantage of an attractive city, placed in a well-known country, with the same time zones as other European cities. In addition, your operation will be open to key professionals. Talent focused specifics skills and growth, and more importantly, the future, and we at Nearshore Portugal are the gateway to outsourcing solutions!
