The Impact of Nearshore Development: Real-Time Collaboration & Faster Turnaround

Portugal Business Culture

What to Expect from Portugal’s Business Culture for Nearshoring

As in all outsourcing partnerships, especially in nearshoring, communication plays a vital role as an agent of change, as it should.
For organizations who seek to improve efficiency by extending their internal IT team via an outsourcing solution, enhancing communication and collaboration is a top concern, and culture is the starting point.

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Nearshore Outsourcing

Cultural Nearshoring: Bridging the Gap in IT

As in all outsourcing partnerships, especially in nearshoring, communication plays a vital role as an agent of change, as it should.
For organizations who seek to improve efficiency by extending their internal IT team via an outsourcing solution, enhancing communication and collaboration is a top concern, and culture is the starting point.

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Software Development

5 Tips for Outsourcing Software Development

When the matter is optimizing every resource and operation, deciding to outsource the software development of your project can sometimes be made under pressure. Searching for qualified service providers that can deliver skilled developers may seem demanding unless you know what to look for.

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