Nearshore Portugal collects data in logs, which are used only for the purposes of service administration, and these data are not transferred to third parties.
1. In accordance with established practice, we store HTTP queries addressed to our server. The resources viewed are identified by their URLs. The information collected in the logs is:
– The public IP address of the computer from which the query came,
– User station name – identification implemented by http protocol, if possible,
– User name given during the authorization process,
– Time for the inquiry to arrive,
– First line of the http request,
– The http response code,
– The number of bytes sent by the server,
– The URL of the page previously visited by the user, in case the Company’s website was accessed via a link,
– Information about your browser,
– Information about errors that occurred in the execution of http transactions.
2. This data is not connected to specific people browsing the Administrator’s pages.
3. In order to ensure the highest quality of service, the Administrator periodically analyses log files in order to determine which pages are visited most often, which web browsers are used, whether the structure of the site does not contain errors, etc.
4. The collected logs are stored for 24 months as auxiliary material used to administer the service – on the basis of cookie files, statistics may be generated which do not contain any features identifying the persons visiting
5. The following types of cookies are used on the website:
a. security cookies, e.g. used to detect misuse of authentication;
b. “performance” cookies, enabling the collection of information on how to use the website;
c. “functional” cookies, enabling “remembering” the settings selected by the User and personalizing the User’s interface, e.g. in terms of the selected language or region from which the User comes from, font size, appearance of the website, etc.
6. Cookies are not used to process or store personal data. They cannot be used to directly identify the User and do not make any configuration changes in the browser or telecommunication devices.
Av. D. João II, Lote 42 Edifício Mythos 101 & 102
1990-095 Lisboa
Große Reichenstraße 27
20457 Hamburg
Rua Júlio Dinis, Nº247
4º Piso Fração E1,
4050-324 Porto
Rua Eng. Daniel Nunes,
Ed. Villatrium, Lote B2,
Fracção DJ
3500-733 Viseu