The Impact of Nearshore Development: Real-Time Collaboration & Faster Turnaround

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Time. One of the relevant aspects of software development and IT projects that often determines the success or failure of initiatives. Recognizing this, companies are turning to nearshore development as a solution to streamline their projects and improve productivity.

In this article, we look at how nearshore development can facilitate real-time collaboration and faster turnaround times.

What will you find in this article?

  • What is Nearshore Development?
  • Facilitating Real-time Collaboration
    • Constant Communication
    • Immediate Issue Resolution
    • Rapid Feedback Loops
    • Shared Project Management Tools
  • Faster Turnaround Times
    • Time-to-Market Advantage
    • Flexibility and Scalability
    • Access to Skilled Professionals
    • Lack of Cultural Barriers
    • High-Quality Infrastructure

What is Nearshore Development?

Nearshore development is a business strategy where companies outsource their software development or IT projects to neighboring or nearby countries. The goal is to leverage the advantages of working with teams in close geographical proximity (same time zone or a few hours difference).

For instance, a German-based company may decide to collaborate with a development team in Portugal. The time difference is merely one hour, and both countries are members of the European Union. Additionally, the high level of English proficiency among Portuguese professionals facilitates effective communication and collaboration.

Facilitating Real-time Collaboration

One of the key benefits of nearshore development is the ability to facilitate real-time collaboration between teams in different countries.

Nearshore development teams are strategically located in neighboring or nearby countries to ensure overlapping work hours with their clients. This allows quicker decision-making and immediate issue resolution, while eliminating delays and increasing productivity.

The shared working time creates a seamless collaboration environment, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation that can significantly enhance the project’s success.

Nearshore teams can leverage real-time collaboration in the following ways:

1. Constant Communication

Nearshore development teams offer significant advantages in establishing seamless communication channels and fostering real-time collaboration with clients. They have a strong command of the client’s language and cultural practices, which reduces misunderstandings and facilitates effective communication.

Within our teams, we utilize various communication tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, or Zoom.

Nearshore teams can easily coordinate meetings, brainstorming sessions, and workshops during overlapping work hours. This enables team members to actively engage in discussions, share ideas, and make collective decisions.

2. Immediate Issue Resolution

With real-time collaboration, nearshore teams can address issues as they arise, reducing response times and minimizing delays. This ensures that potential roadblocks are swiftly identified and resolved, keeping the project on track.

3. Rapid Feedback Loops

Regardless of the specific methodology used (such as agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban), nearshore teams prioritize iterative and incremental development cycles that emphasize regular feedback.

By breaking down projects into smaller tasks and delivering them incrementally, nearshore teams can quickly provide results. This progressive approach enables them to swiftly gather valuable feedback from clients at an early stage of development.

The iterative feedback process has several benefits, such as enabling quick course corrections, avoiding rework in later stages, and accelerating the development timeline. Additionally, it creates a cooperative atmosphere where the team creating the product and the client collaborate to improve it.

4. Shared Project Management Tools

Nearshore development teams and clients typically use shared project management tools or platforms. These tools serve as centralized repositories for project documentation, task tracking, and issue management. They provide real-time visibility into project progress, allowing both parties to stay updated on the latest developments.

Here are some examples of tools our teams use:

  • Project and Task Management Tools: Trello, Notion, Asana, or Jira.
  • Shared document editing: Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365;
  • Real-time code collaboration: GitHub or GitLab.

Faster Turnaround Times

Nearshore development is a method that helps businesses bring their products to market faster. It involves delivering projects or software solutions in shorter timeframes compared to other outsourcing models. Several factors in nearshore development contribute to faster turnaround times, such as meeting tight deadlines and gaining a competitive edge.

Here are some ways nearshore development can accelerate response times:

1. Time-to-Market Advantage

Time-to-market refers to the time it takes from the inception of an idea or product development to its launch in the market.

By working closely with nearshore development teams, organizations can benefit from efficient communication and collaboration, leading to shorter project cycles. The reduced communication barriers and quicker response times ensure that the development process remains on schedule. As a result, companies can get their products or services to market faster, decrease reaction time to market needs, and take advantage of new opportunities.

2. Flexibility and Scalability

Nearshore development teams can be more flexible in adjusting the team size as per project requirements and timelines. They can quickly scale the team up based on the workload, allowing for faster adaptability to changing project needs. This scalability ensures that the project can progress at an optimal pace without being delayed due to resource constraints.

For example, we have two cooperation models (team extension and full teams). Both cooperation models offer flexibility in scaling the team size. And whenever necessary, our clients can discuss their changing requirements with us, and we’ll work together to adjust the team size accordingly, ensuring minimal disruption to your project.

3. Access to Skilled Professionals

Nearshore development allows businesses to quickly assemble a team of skilled professionals with the required expertise. The proximity of the nearshore location means that the hiring process can be expedited, and teams can be set up more swiftly. This quick resource allocation enables the project to start promptly, reducing delays in the development process.

4. Lack of Cultural Barriers

Nearshore development involves partnering with teams from countries that share similar cultural backgrounds, which leads to smoother communication and understanding.

When teams have common cultural aspects like language, communication styles, and work ethics, they can better understand each other’s expectations and requirements. This shared understanding enhances communication channels, minimizes misunderstandings, and enables faster information exchange. As a result, teams can align their goals, exchange feedback, and resolve issues promptly, leading to faster project completion.

5. High-Quality Infrastructure

It’s necessary to have a good infrastructure for a project to run smoothly. Nearshore development locations often boast reliable and advanced IT infrastructure, including high-speed internet connectivity and modern communication tools. This infrastructure enables seamless collaboration, quick file sharing, and efficient remote work.

A reliable infrastructure minimizes technical obstacles and ensures smoother development processes.


As we have witnessed, nearshore development is emerging as a compelling solution for enhancing the quality and efficiency of software development.

Teams located in neighboring or nearby countries can enhance companies’ productivity. This occurs due to the shared working hours, which facilitate constant communication, swift problem resolution, and rapid feedback loops.

It’s no wonder that an increasing number of companies are adopting this work model, recognizing its potential to drive successful outcomes in the dynamic and demanding world of software development.

Ready to revolutionise your IT projects with faster turnaround times and seamless collaboration?

Partner with us for nearshore development excellence in Portugal. Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

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