Cultural Nearshoring: Bridging the Gap in IT

Nearshore Outsourcing

Cultural Nearshoring: Bridging the Gap in IT

As in all outsourcing partnerships, especially in nearshoring, communication plays a vital role as an agent of change, as it should.
For organizations who seek to improve efficiency by extending their internal IT team via an outsourcing solution, enhancing communication and collaboration is a top concern, and culture is the starting point.

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IT outsourcing
Nearshore Outsourcing

Nearshore IT Outsourcing: Covid-19 after-effect

Despite the pandemic, IT outsourcing proved to be capable of continuing its software development services despite a completely remote scenario, and this was especially true for the Nearshore Portugal team who continued to support and work together with customers despite the lockdown.

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time to market
Nearshore Outsourcing

Improving time to market with Nearshoring

When it comes to transferring business processes to an outsourcing provider to obtain higher capabilities or shorten time to market, nearshore outsourcing is the answer for companies around the globe.

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Remote Team
Nearshore Outsourcing

Remote team: How to Manage!

In today’s IT industry, as businesses expand so does the remote workforce. In this new landscape, the value of remote working has never been higher thanks to seasoned talent and their ability to deliver quality work, regardless of location.

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